MEIKO technology not only guarantees clean results, it will also run seamlessly and efficiently. Let's look at the example of glasswashing. With MEIKO, your glasses will be more than just clean when they leave the dishwashing machine – they will be dry and ready to reuse immediately. The secret: wash without polishing using our patented GiO MODULE with reverse osmosis technology.
It demineralises your wash water, making it exceptionally clean and hygienic. That means no salt or deposits end up on the glasses so there are no marks. After the wash cycle, the efficient heat recovery system uses the heat energy it has collected to dry the glasses immediately. The effect: dry glasses and no steam emissions when the door is opened.
This way, there is no need for annoying, time-consuming and unhygienic hand polishing. That, in turn cuts down on expensive breakages. Current studies show that in food service, up to 33 % of glasses have to be replaced every year due to breakages. Hand polishing is the main culprit.